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St. Vincent Ferrer Church
Wed, February 20, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO,
Location: St. Vincent Ferrer Church, 1530 Jackson Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305, 708-366-7090
Hours of Veneration: 7 am Mass—candlelight procession with relic, 7:45 am—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 9 am—Spiritual Talk “St. Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 10-11 am—Confessions, 12 noon Mass, 1-2 pm—Confessions, 3 pm—Chaplet of Divine Mercy, 5 pm—Stations of the Cross, 6:30 pm Rosary, 7 pm Mass, 8 pm relic departs.
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St. Thomas More
Thurs, February 21, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Thomas More, 2825 West 81st Street, Chicago, Illinois 60652, 773-436-4444
Hours of Veneration: 6:30 am Mass, 8:15 am—Welcome the relic with candlelight procession, 8:30 am Mass, 9:30 am—Chaplet & Litany of St. Mary Magdalene, 9:30 am—Confessions, 10:30 am—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 11:30 am—Confessions, 12 noon Mass, 1 pm—Chaplet & Litany of St. Mary Magdalene, 2 pm—Stations of the Cross, 2-4—Confessions, 3 pm—Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Meditations on Lent, 6:30 pm—Rosary, 7 pm Holy Mass.
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Fri, February 22, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Constance Church, 5843 W. Strong Street, Chicago, Illinois 60630, 773-545-8581
Hours of Veneration: 7:50 am—candlelight procession into the Church with the relic for 8 am English Mass where Deacon James Devine, from the Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in the South of France, will preach about “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 9:30 am Polish Mass with Deacon James preaching, 12 noon Special English Mass, 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm—Conference: “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 2 pm—Stations of the Cross in English (children & adults), 4 pm—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 6 pm English Mass, 8 pm Polish Mass beginning with Stations of the Cross, 9 pm—relic departs. Confessions available thirty minutes prior to each Mass.
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Piątek, 22 luty: 7:50am – procesja do Kościoła ze świecami oraz relikwiami, 8:00am – Msza Święta w języku angielskim, gdzie Diakon James Devine, z Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in the South of France, będzie mówił kazanie “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 10:00am – Msza Święta w języku polskim wraz z kazaniem Diakona James 12:00pm Specjalna Msza Św. w języku angielskim 12:30 – 1:15pm – Konferencja w języku angielskim“Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 2:00pm – Stacje Drogi Krzyżowej w języku angielskim (dzieci & dorośli), 4:00pm – Koronka & Litania do Świętej Marii Magdaleny, 6:00pm – Msza Święta w języku angielskim, 8:00pm – Msza Święta w języku polskim oraz Droga Krzyżowa, 9:00pm – procesja z relikwiami z Kościoła. Spowiedź Święta będzie możliwa 30 minut przed każdą Mszą Świętą

St. Peter Damian Catholic Church
Sat, February 23, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Peter Damian Catholic Church, 109 South Crest Avenue, Bartlett, Illinois 60103, 630-837-5411
Hours of Veneration: 9:30 am— Candlelight Procession with 1sr & 2nd grade as the Relic is being carried to the foot of the altar, 9:35 am— Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 9:45 am – 10:15 am— Spiritual Talk for children, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 10:30 am— Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene, 10:45 am— Private Veneration, 12 noon— Spiritual Talk for adults, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 3 pm— Stations of the Cross, 4 pm— Confessions, 5 pm English Mass, 7 pm Polish Mass, 8:30 pm— Relic departs.
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St. James Catholic Church
Sun, February 24, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. James Catholic Church, 2907 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60616, 312-842-1919
Hours of Veneration: 9:30 am—greeting of the relic and candlelight procession followed by the Mass, 11:30 am Mass, 1 pm—Midday Prayer and Veneration of relic, 2 pm—Litany chanted by Monks of St. Meinrad Archabbey and veneration of relics, 2 – 4 pm—Confessions available, 3 pm—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 4 pm—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 5:30 pm—Vespers followed by removal of relic with candlelight procession.
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Mon, February 25, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: Santa Maria Del Popolo, 116 North Lake Street, Mundelein, Illinois 60060, 847-949-8300
Hours of Veneration: 8:15 am Holy Mass—with candlelight procession carrying the relic to the foot of the altar, 10 am—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 11:30 – 11:45 am—Deacon James Levine from the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in the South of France will give a Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist” for the school children, 11:45 – 12 noon—school children get in line to have a few seconds in front of the relic, 12 noon Spanish Mass, 1 pm – Spanish Chaplet prayer to Saint Mary Magdalene led by someone from the parish 1:30 – 2:30 pm—Confessions available, 2 pm—Stations of the Cross led by Deacon James, 3 pm English Mass, 4 – 5 pm—Confessions, 4 – 5 pm—Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Spiritual Talk for adults by Deacon James, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 5:15 pm—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene in English, 6 pm Spanish Mass, 7 pm—relic departs.
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Horas: 8:15 am Santa Misa—procesión con velas, llevaremos la reliquia al pie del altar, 10 am—Coronilla y Letanía a Santa María Magdalena, 11:30-11:45—Charla para los niños de la escuela “María Magdalena y la Santa Eucaristía”- Diacono James Levine de la Basílica Santa María Magdalena del Sur de Francia, 11:45 -12 Mediodía—Los niños de la escuela podrán ver la Reliquia Mediodía—Misa en español, 1pm—Coronilla a Santa María Magdalena en español, 1:30 -2:30 pm—Confesiones, 2 pm—Viacrucis con el Diacono James, 3 pm Misa en ingles, 4-5 pm—Exposición del Santísimo, Confesiones y charla para adultos por el Diacono James “María Magdalena y la Santa Eucaristía,” 5:15 pm—Coronilla y Letanía a Santa María Magdalena en ingles, 6 pm Misa en español, 7 pm—La Reliquias partirán.
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St Mary of the Angels
Tues, February 26, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Mary of the Angels, 1850 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60622, 773-278-2644
Hours of Veneration: 9:45 am—candlelight procession with the school children and the relic entering the Church, 10 am Mass followed by a spiritual talk for the children, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” by Deacon James Devine from the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in the South of France, 12 noon—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 2:15 pm—Stations of the Cross led by Deacon James, 4 – 5 pm—Conference: “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 5 – 5:30 pm—Confessions available, 5:30 pm Mass—with homily by Fr. Henri-Dominique de Spéville, OP, 6:30 pm—Spanish Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 7:30 pm—relic departs.
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St. John the Evangelist
Wed, February 27, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. John the Evangelist, 502 South Park Boulevard, Streamwood, Illinois 60107, 630-837-6500
Hours of Veneration: 8:45 am Mass—with candlelight procession with the Knights of Columbus as the relic enters the Church, 10 am—Spiritual talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” followed by the Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 11 am—Confessions, 12 noon—Staff prays Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 1 pm—Spiritual Talk for the school children, 5 pm—Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Meditation on Lent, 6:30 pm—Rosary lead by Knights of Columbus, 7 pm Mass followed by a candlelight procession accompanying the relic as it leaves the Church.
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Thurs, February 28, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Mary Magdalene Parish, 8426 South Marquette Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60617, 773-768-1700
Hours of Veneration: 10:00 am Mass—preceded by candlelight procession as the relic is brought into the church, 10:45 am—Chaplet of St. Mary Magdalene and Litany of St. Mary Magdalene, 11:15 am—Conference: “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 12:15 pm Solemn Mass, 1:00 pm Chaplet and Litany of St. Mary Magdalene, 2:30 pm—Chaplet of Divine Mercy, 4:00 pm—Stations of the Cross, 5:30 pm—Rosary, 6:00 pm Solemn Mass, after which the relic will be removed.
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St. Ita Catholic Church
Fri, March 1, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Ita Catholic Church, 5500 North Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 60640, 773-561-5343
Hours of Veneration: 8 am Mass—preceded by candlelight procession as the relic is brought into the Church, Rosary follows the Mass, 9 am—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, Veneration continues all day until the relic departs, 12 noon—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 6 pm—Stations of the Cross, 6:45 pm—Spiritual Talk given during the Soup Supper, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 7:30 pm—Taizé prayer after which the relic will be removed
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Sat, March 2, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: Poor Clare Monastery of the Immaculate Conception, 12210 South Will Cook Road, Palos Park, Illinois 60464, 708-361-1810
Hours of Veneration: 6:30 am—arrival of the relic, 6:50 am—candlelight procession with the relic to the foot of the altar, 7 am Holy Mass followed by Terce (mid-morning prayer), 8:30 am – 9:30 am—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” given by Deacon James Devine. a Missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist from the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in the South of France, 10 am—Stations of the Cross led by Deacon James, 11 am—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene followed by Sext (mid-day prayer), 11:30 am—private Veneration, 12:30 pm—relic departs.
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and – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. James at Sag Bridge Church, 10600 South Archer Avenue, Lemont, Illinois 60439, 603-257-7000
Hours of Veneration: 2 pm—relic arrives and is carried to the foot of the altar, 2:15 – 2:30 pm—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 3 – 4 pm—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist” given by Deacon James Levine from the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in the South of France, 4:30 – 5:15 pm—Confessions available. 5:30 pm Holy Mass celebrated by the Dominican accompanying the relic, 7 pm—relic departs.
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St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
Sun, March 3, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, 4949 West Patterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60641, 773-286-7871
Hours of Veneration: 7:50 am—candlelight procession with relic entering the Church, 8 am Spanish Mass, 9:30 am English Mass, 11-11:15 am Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 11:30 am Mass, 1 pm—relic exits the Church.
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Ashkum Catholic Church of the Assumption
and—Diocese of JOLIET
Location: Ashkum Catholic Church of the Assumption, 208 North Second Street, Ashkum, Illinois 60911, 815-698-2262
Hours of Veneration: Perpetual Adoration… 2:55 pm—relic is carried to the altar, 3 pm—Devine Mercy Chaplet, 3:15 pm—Rosary, 3:45 pm Holy Mass,
5-5:30 pm—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 6-6:15 pm—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 6:30 pm—relic exits the church.
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John Paul II Newman Center
Mon, March 4, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: John Paul II Newman Center, University of Illinois—Chicago, 700 South Morgan Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607, 312-226-1880
Hours of Veneration: 10 am—candlelight procession as relic is brought into Church: Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 10:45 – 11:45 am—Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 12:05 pm Concelebrated Solemn Mass, 1 – 2:50 pm—Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 3 pm—Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene followed by “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist” spiritual talk by Deacon James Devine, 4:45 pm—Stations of the Cross, 5:15 pm Mass, after the Mass the relic is removed from Church.
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St. Patrick Church
Tues, March 5, 2013 Diocese of GARY (Indiana)
Location: St. Patrick Church, 638 North Calumet, Chesterton, Indiana 46304, 219-926-1282
Hours of Veneration: 12:15 pm—candlelight procession welcoming the relic, 12:30 am Holy Mass, followed by a Spiritual Talk for the school students by Deacon James Devine, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 2 pm—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 3 pm—Stations of the Cross led by Deacon James, 4 pm—Conference: “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” by Deacon James who is a Missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Provence, 5 pm Holy Mass, 6:30 pm—relic departs.
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St. Alphonsus Church,
Wed, March 6, 2013 – Archdiocese of CHICAGO
Location: St. Alphonsus Church, 1429 West Wellington Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60657, 773-525-0709
Hours of Veneration: 8:30 am—candlelight procession, formal welcome of the relics, and Holy Mass, 9:15 am—Rosary, 10 am—Talk on “St. Mary Magdalene & the Eucharist,” 11 am – 12 noon—opportunity for Confessions, 1 pm—Chaplet of St. Mary Magdalene, 3 pm—Chaplet of Divine Mercy, 4 pm—Stations of the Cross, 5 pm—holy hour and devotions in Spanish, 6 pm Evening Mass and farewell.
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St. Patrick Church
Thurs, March 7, 2013 – Diocese of JOLIET
Location: St. Patrick Church, 710 West Marion Street, Joliet, Illinois 60436, 815-727-4746
Hours of Veneration: 7:30 am Mass—with candlelight procession carrying the relic to the foot of the altar, 11 am—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 12 noon—Spiritual Talk (15 min.) for the home school children, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” followed by veneration of the relic, 2 pm—Stations of the Cross led by Deacon James, 4 pm—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 5 pm English Mass followed by half hour Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 6 – 7 pm—Confessions available, 6:30 pm—Spanish Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene, 7 pm Spanish Mass followed by Spiritual Talk in Spanish, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 8 pm—relic departs.
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Horas: 7:30 am Misa—con procesión de velas llevando la reliquia a los pies del altar, 11 am—Rosario & Letanía a Santa María Magdalena, 12 mediodía—Charla Espiritual (15 min.) para los niños de escuela en casa, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” seguido por la veneración de la reliquia, 2 pm—Vía Crucis dirigido por el Diacono James, 4 pm— Rosario & Letanía a Santa María Magdalena, 5 pm—Misa en Ingles seguido por media hora de Charla Espiritual, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 6 – 7 pm—Confesiones, 6:30 pm—Rosario & Letanía a Santa María Magdalena en Español, 7 pm—Misa en Español seguido por Charla Espiritual en Español, “María Magdalena y la Santísima Eucaristía,” 8 pm—reliquia se marcha.

Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Fri, March 8, 2013 – Diocese of JOLIET
Location: Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church, 36 North Ellsworth, Naperville, Illinois 60540, 630-355-1081
Hours of Veneration: 7:40 am—relic of St. Mary Magdalene arrives, 8 am—candlelight procession with the school children and the relic into the Church for the 8 am Mass followed by Litany of St. Mary Magdalene, 9 am—Spiritual Talk by Deacon James Devine, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 10 am—veneration of relic by school children and others, 10 – 11 am—Confessions offered, 12 noon—Chaplet of St. Mary Magdalene, 12:30 pm Latin Tridentine Mass, Veneration continues throughout the day… 6 pm—sung solemn Vespers, 7 pm—Statons of the Cross & Benediction followed by veneration of the relic, 8 pm—relic of St. Mary Magdalene departs.
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St. Joseph Catholic Church
Sat, March 9, 2013 – Diocese of JOLIET
Location: St. Joseph Catholic Church, 4824 Highland Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515, 630-964-0216
Hours of Veneration: 7:50 am—candlelight procession carrying the relic to the foot of the altar, 8 am Holy Mass, 9 – 9:45 am—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” by Deacon James Devine from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Provence, 9:45 am—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 10 am—relic departs.
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St. Mary Magdalene Parish
and—Diocese of JOLIET
Location: St. Mary Magdalene Parish, 127 South Briggs Street, Joliet, Illinois 60433, 815-722-7653
Hours of Veneration: 4 pm Vigil Mass, 6 pm Stations of the Cross, Veneration until 7:30 pm.
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St. Mary Magdalene Parish
Sun, March 10, 2013—Diocese of JOLIET
Location: St. Mary Magdalene Parish, 127 South Briggs Street, Joliet, Illinois 60433, 815-722-7653
Hours of Veneration: 8 am, 9:30 am & 11:30 am Mass, 2-3 pm Spiritual Talk, “St. Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 4 pm Chaplet Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene, 5 pm Special Mass, Veneration all day between scheduled events. Relic departs at 7:30 pm.
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Mon, March 11, 2013 – Diocese of JOLIET
Location: St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 Walnut Street, Yorkville, Illinois 60560, 630-553-6671
Hours of Veneration: 8 am Mass, with candlelight procession carrying the relic to the foot of the altar, Confessions available after the Mass, 10 am—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 11 am—Spiritual Talk, for home schooled children, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm—relic will visit St. Mary Parish for St. Mary’s Students & Parishioners. 2:30 pm—relic returns to St. Patrick Parish, 3 pm—Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, 4 pm—Stations of the Cross, 6 pm—Spiritual talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 6:30 pm—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 8 pm—relic departs.
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Tues, March 12, 2013 – Diocese of JOLIET
Location: St. Isaac Joques Church, 306 West Fourth Street, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521, 630-323-1248
Hours of Veneration: 7 am Holy Mass, 12 noon—Devotional Service and Sermon, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist” by Deacon James Devine from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Provence, France, 5 pm Holy Mass—The Most Reverend Joseph M. Siegel—celebrant and homilist, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet, 7 pm relic departs.
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St. Mark Parish
Wed, March 13, 2013 – Diocese of PEORIA
Location: St. Mark Parish, 1113 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, Illinois 61606, 309-673-1263
Hours of Veneration: 8:00 am Mass—procession of relic, with school children participating followed by Litany of Mary Madgdalen, Church open for veneration throughout the day… 12 noon—Angelus, 2 pm—Stations of the cross, with school children leading, 5:15 pm Mass followed by Chaplet of Mary Magdalen, 6:30 pm—RCIA Class will meet in Church where the public is invited to a Spiritual Talk on “Mary Magdalen and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 8 pm—Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration with Music/Confessions, 9:00 pm Mass, 10 pm—relic departs.
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St. Hyacinth Parish
Thurs, March 14, 2013 – Diocese of PEORIA
Location: St. Hyacinth Parish, 927 10th Street, LaSalle, Illinois 61301, 815-223-1459
Hours of Veneration: 9:15 am—candlelight procession with the Catholic grade school children and the relic into the Church, 9:30 am English Mass—with students from Trinity Catholic Academy, 11 am—Confessions available in English and Spanish, 12 noon—English Mass, 2 pm—Confessions in English and Spanish, 3 pm—Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by the Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 5 pm—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” by Deacon James Devine from the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in the South of France, 6:30 pm—Spanish Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene, 7 pm Spanish Mass, 8 pm—relic departs.
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St. Philomena Parish
Fri, March 15, 2013 – Diocese of PEORIA
Location: St. Philomena Parish, 3300 North Twelve Oaks Drive, Peoria, Illinois 61604, 309-682-8642
Hours of Veneration: 7 am Holy Mass—preceded by candlelight procession with the relic into the Church, 8 am Holy Mass, 9 am Holy Mass (school Mass) with preaching by Deacon James Devine from the Basilica of Saint Mary Magdalene in the South of France, 10 am—Spiritual Talk by Deacon James, “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 11 am—Confessions. 1 pm—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalene with upper grade of school children, 5 pm—Confessions. 5:30 pm Holy Mass, 6 pm—Living Stations with the children, 7 pm—relic departs.
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Community of St. John
Sat, March 16, 2013 – Diocese of PEORIA
Location: Community of St. John—Contemplative Sisters, Brothers & Apostolic Sisters of St. John, West Legion Hall Road, Princeville, Illinois 61559, 309-385-2550
Hours of Veneration: 6:15 am—Silent Prayer (Brother’s Chapel), 7 am—Lauds, 8 am—Stations of the Cross lead by Fr. Thomas Michelet, OP, 9 – 10 am—Spiritual Talk (Brothers’ Chapel), “Saint Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist” given by Deacon James Devine, a Missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist who is from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in St. Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, 10 am—Procession to the Apostolic Sisters praying the Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene, 10:30—Confessions, 11 am—Procession to the Contemplative Sisters praying the Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 11:45 am Holy Mass (Contemplative Sisters), 2 pm—relic departs… and then returns, 9 pm—Vigils for Sunday at the Sisters’ Chapel with the relics. Sisters’ Chapel will remain open all night for Veneration of the relic.
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Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
and—Diocese of PEORIA
Location: Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, 607 North East Madison Avenue, Peoria, Illinois 61603, 309-682-5823
Hours of Veneration: 4 pm Mass, Prayer Services, Spiritual Talks, Stations of the Cross and times of Veneration to be announced…

Community of St. John
Sun, March 17, 2013 – Diocese of PEORIA
Location: Community of St. John—Contemplative Sisters, Brothers & Apostolic Sisters of St. John, West Legion Hall Road, Princeville, Illinois 61559, 309-385-2550
Hours of Veneration: 6 am—Silent Prayer (Sisters’ Chapel), 7 am—Lauds, Procession to the Brothers’ Chapel after Lauds, praying the Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 9 – 10 am—Spiritual Talk (Brothers’ Chapel), “Saint Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist” given by Deacon James Devine, 11 am—Sext, 11:15 am Holy Mass followed by the Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene, 2 pm—relic departs.
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Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother
Mon, March 18, 2013 – Diocese of SPRINGFIELD
Location: Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, 318 North 8th Street, Vandalia, Illinois 62471, 618-292-9852
Hours of Veneration: Music Ministry of Annie Karto… 10 am Mass, 12 noon—Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene, 1 pm—Stations of the Cross, 3 pm—Spiritual Talk, “St. Mary Madalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 4:30 pm—Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 5 pm Special Mass, Veneration all day until 7 pm.
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Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Tues, March 19, 2013 – Diocese of SPRINGFIELD
Location: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 524 East Lawrence, Springfield, Illinois 62703, 217-522-3342
Hours of Veneration: 12:35 – 12:45 pm—relic is carried to the foot of the altar after the Noon Mass, 1:15 – 1:30 pm—Chaplet & Litany to Saint Mary Magdalene, 2:15 pm – 2:45 pm—Stations of the Cross led by Deacon James Devine, a Missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in the South of France, 3:15 – 4:00 pm—Spiritual talk by Deacon James Devine “Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 5:15 pm Holy Mass for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, celebrated by Bishop Paprocki, attended by 50+ priests of the diocese for his 10th anniversary, 6:15 pm—relic departs at the end of Mass.
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Wed, March 20, 2013 – Diocese of SPRINGFIELD
Location: St. Patrick’s Church, 303 South Locust, Pana, Illinois 62557, 217-562-5396
Hours of Veneration: 8 am Mass—candlelight procession with the relic and Sacred Heart School students before Mass, 9:15 am—Special Talk for the students given by the Missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist, 9:15 am-1:30 pm—Eucharistic Adoration, 10 am—Chaplet to Saint Mary Magdalene, 12 noon—Spiritual Talk, “St. Mary Magdalene and the Most Holy Eucharist,” 1:30 pm—Stations of the Cross, 3 pm Mass, Veneration all day until 5 pm.
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St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Thurs, March 21, 2013 – Archdiocese of ST. LOUIS (Missouri)
Location: St. Mary Magdalen Parish, 4924 Bancroft Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63109, 314-352-2111
Hours of Veneration: 7:50 am—candlelight procession carrying the relic into the church, 8 am Holy Mass, 9:15 am—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalen, 9:30 – 10:30 am—Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalen and the Most Holy Eucharist,” by Deacon James Devine from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeline in St. Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, 11:30 am Special Mass, 1 pm—relic departs.
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St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
and—Archdiocese of ST. LOUIS
Location: St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church, 2618 South Brentwood Boulevard, Brentwood, Missouri 63144, 314-961-8400
Hours of Veneration: 2 pm—candlelight procession carrying the relic into the church, 2:15 – 3 pm—Confessions, 3 pm Holy Mass, 4 – 6 pm—Confessions, 4:30 pm—Chaplet & Litany to St. Mary Magdalen, 5 pm—Rosary, 5:30 – 6:30—Blessed Sacrament exposed for Spiritual Talk, “Mary Magdalen and the Most Holy Eucharist,” by Deacon James Devine from the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeline in St. Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, 7 pm Holy Mass—Fr. Thomas Michelet, OP (from Sainte-Baume) giving the homily, 8 pm – relic departs.
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St. Dominic Priory
Fri, March 22, 2013 – Archdiocese of ST. LOUIS (Missouri)
Location: St. Dominic Priory, 3407 Lafayette Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63104, 314-678-9427
Hours of Veneration: 8 am—Morning Prayer with preaching, 11 am Holy Mass, Veneration throughout the day, 2 pm—Praying of the Rosary or Chaplet to St. Mary Magdalene, 4:30 pm—Evening Prayer with preaching. The closing of the day of Veneration.
Beautiful website. So glad I found you!!